Pricing Details

Pricing Details of Artwork
Acrylic Paintings and Plasterworks
Prices (inc. VAT) are indicated in gallery entries.

Graphical Image Reproductions
Graphical images from the Stratford 2012 collection, Spiral Collection and Photographic collection are available in a range of sizes and formats.

Typical prices (inc. VAT) for giclee printing included below:-

A5 5.8" x 8.25" 147.32 mm x 209.55 mm £9.24
A4 8.25" x 11.75" 209.55 mm x 298.45 mm £12.94
A3 11.75" x 16.5" 298.45 mm x 419.1 mm £16.80
A2 16.5" x 23.4" 419.1 mm x 594.36 mm £33.04
A1 23.4" x 33.1" 594.36 mm x 840.74 mm £61.90
A0 33.1" x 46.8" 840.74 mm x 1188.72 mm £129.70

Exact print sizes vary with specific designs/images. Image sizes can also be limited by DPI value of image file.

Carriage of items at cost.