'All rising to great state is by a winding stair' - Sir Francis Bacon : Graphical Image : Multiple formats
'All rising to great state is by a winding stair' - Sir Francis Bacon :   Graphical Image :  Multiple  formats

Graphical algorithm to create 'text in a spiral' based on clockwise circuit in spiral - where letters are given unique colours - all spaces etc removed. This function operates on the text 'allrisingtogreatplaceisbyawindingstair'

Date: 28/09/2015

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'All rising to great state is by a winding stair' - Sir Francis Bacon :   Graphical Image :  Multiple  formats

Graphical algorithm to create 'text in a spiral' based on clockwise circuit in spiral - where letters are given unique colours - all spaces etc removed. This function operates on the text 'allrisingtogreatplaceisbyawindingstair'

Date: 28/09/2015